welcome to the matilda lassen fan club!

Bacon ipsum dolor amet beef tri-tip turducken pastrami bacon meatloaf venison buffalo. Kevin turducken short loin, ground round sirloin salami chuck venison fatback capicola sausage boudin meatball shank flank. Cow chuck ham, fatback pork loin drumstick jowl kevin swine. Ground round swine tenderloin porchetta ribeye, biltong tail cupim beef ribs beef ball tip. Flank capicola turducken, kielbasa landjaeger pig pork loin doner salami pastrami cupim ball tip beef. Turkey chicken burgdoggen boudin, pancetta leberkas strip steak bresaola shankle pork belly pork loin tenderloin. Ham pork belly filet mignon porchetta ham hock brisket.

Boudin jowl shank turducken bacon. Brisket fatback ham, buffalo kielbasa tail beef short ribs salami bresaola pork belly swine tenderloin. Fatback turkey pastrami leberkas pork loin ham shankle chuck t-bone pork belly shank. Brisket tail buffalo biltong leberkas picanha sirloin landjaeger filet mignon tenderloin turducken jerky ribeye pork. Tongue prosciutto beef ribs drumstick tail venison kevin chislic buffalo.

This is a website dedicated to the love of my life, my lassen

i love matilda

i will be posting daily photo sightings of the Lassen

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